Quick Vietnamese Beef and Mushroom Pho
Go global with fragrant Vietnamese pho: This spice-infused broth simmered with mushrooms pours over thinly sliced beef sirloin and Reames® Golden Ribbon Egg Noodles for an mmm-inducing meal.

Ready In: 50 Minutes
Prep Time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Wrap star anise, cinnamon and coriander seeds with cheesecloth. Secure with kitchen twine.
Heat oil in a large pot over high heat. When smoking hot, add onion and ginger and cook 5 minutes until nicely charred. With metal tongs, turn onion and ginger over and cook another 5 minutes. Add broth, sachet of spices and fish sauce. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes, allowing spices to infuse the broth.
Meanwhile, prepare noodles. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Drop in the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain and set aside.
Freeze meat for 10 to 15 minutes to make it easier to slice. Cut meat across the grain into thin slices.
When broth is ready, strain and discard the solids. Place broth back over the heat, add mushrooms and simmer until mushrooms are tender, about 10 minutes. Keep pot over a low simmer (broth needs to be hot to cook the meat). Taste broth, adding more fish sauce, if needed.
Divide noodles among serving bowls. Arrange beef in a single layer so the slices will cook evenly in the broth. Ladle hot broth, along with some mushrooms, over the beef. Continue to ladle hot broth to the top of each bowl.
Serve with scallions, jalapeño, herbs, bean sprouts, hot sauce and lime wedges, allowing each person to top bowl as desired.