Shaved Vegetable and Toasted Chick Pea Salad
Radishes and paprika add color and spice to this crunchy salad made from kale, fennel, cucumber, chickpeas, rosemary and Simply Dressed® Balsamic Salad Dressing.

Ready In: 70 Minutes
Prep Time: 30 Minutes Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Preheat the oven to 400° F. Place the chickpeas in a bowl and thoroughly dry them with paper towels. Add olive oil, paprika, rosemary and salt and mix to coat all. Transfer all to a rimmed sheet pan and bake 30 to 40 minutes until chickpeas are crunchy. Cool and store in a re-sealable plastic bag (chickpeas can be prepared several days in advance).
Using a mandolin, vegetable slicer or peeler, finely slice fennel, cucumber and radishes (the vegetables should be paper thin) and transfer to a mixing bowl.
Add Simply Dressed® Balsamic Dressing, Parmesan cheese and pepper and toss to combine. Arrange salad greens on plates and top with shaved salad mixture. Sprinkle salad with toasted chickpeas and serve.