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How to Preserve Fresh Herbs

Method 1: Freezing in oil




  • Basil, cilantro, parsley
  • Canola oil




  1. Wash, dry and finely chop herbs. Pack ice-cube or mini-muffin trays with herbs and label tray.
  2. Cover herbs with canola oil and place tray in freezer until oil is solid.
  3. Pop frozen herb cubes out of tray and store in labeled, airtight bags for up to 6 months.


Method 2: Air drying




  • Thyme, oregano, sage




  1. Shake off dirt and remove any brown leaves. Secure stems together with kitchen twine. Hang herb bundles upside-down in a dark, dry, well-ventilated place.
  2. When leaves start to crumble (1 to 4 weeks, depending on environment), remove leaves from stem and store in labeled, airtight container.


Method 3: Salt preserving




  • Rosemary, chives
  • Kosher salt 




  1. Thoroughly wash and dry herbs.
  2. Add herbs to bowl of food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Using a 4:1 herb to salt ratio, add salt to food processor and pulse until combined.


Dos and Don’ts / Things to Note


  • Wash and completely dry before preserving herbs
  • Herb stems are full of flavor too! For leafy herbs like basil, parsley and cilantro, be sure to chop up the stems for maximum flavor.
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